Latest Episodes
Hard Asset Money Show -- What is going on in the marketplace?
06/17/22 - What is going on in the marketplace? The Dow Jones keeps dropping, bonds are getting crucified, the real estate market is coming down fast… We are seeing similarities to the 2008 overstimulated housing market, but this time it’s in multiple asset classes – housing, bonds, equities, crypto, these areas have doubled, tripled, or even quadrupled in the last 5 years or so. That is an over-appreciating, overstimulated asset with too much cash being thrown at a limited supply.
Hard Asset Money Show -- European Credit Crisis
06/10/22 - In the summer of 2007, Greece started to have massive cracks in its credit, and there were systematic runs on the banks. Italy became the second country to have credit defaults. Now, we are seeing similarities. The ECB, or the European Central Bank, which is the Federal Reserve of the European Union of 13 countries, has a crisis on its hands, as the 10 year bond rates in Europe widened relative to the German bonds. The president of the ECB is already being asked to bail out the banks in Greece and Italy.
Hard Asset Money Show -- 2022 Economic Forecast
06/08/22 - Today, we’re talking about the economy in its current state and where the economy will be in 6, 12, even 36 months from now. The current economy says that if we spend up to an addition 3 trillion dollars, we’re going to bring down inflation. But looking at the forecasts for interest rate hikes, and then looking at mortgage rates, spending more to bring inflation down doesn’t make sense. The most recent April numbers show that consumer level inflation is at 8.5%, while wholesale level is at 11%. But figuring in all other hidden figures, inflation is most probably at a record high right now.
Hard Asset Money Show -- The End Of The Dollar Part 2
05/25/22 - Why is the value of the dollar going down? There are many indicators, but today on part 2, we will discuss the last three of five warning signs that the end of dollar hemegony is near, including Warning Sign #3: The Petrodollar System Flirts With Collapse, Warning Sign #4: Out of Control Money Printing and Record Price Increases, and Warning Sign #5: Fed Chair Admits Dollar Supremacy Is Dead.
Hard Asset Money Show -- The End Of The Dollar Part 1
05/18/22 - Why is the value of the dollar going down? There are many indicators, but today on part 1, we will discuss the first two of five warning signs that the end of dollar hemegony is near, including Warning Sign #1: Russia Sanctions Prove Dollar Reserves “Aren’t Really Money”, and Warning Sign #2: Rubles, Gold, and Bitcoin for Gas, Oil, and Other Commodities.
Hard Asset Money Show -- Inflation
04/14/22 - The federal reserve is trying to get ahead of inflation, raising rates to unprecedented levels. This could potentially be a very bad three years ahead of us for bonds, equities, and real estate.
Hard Asset Money Show -- The Fed Is Scared Sh*tless
04/12/22 - The federal reserve is trying to get ahead of inflation, raising rates to unprecedented levels. This could potentially be a very bad three years ahead of us for bonds, equities, and real estate.
Hard Asset Money Show -- The Destruction of the U.S. Dollar
03/21/22 - What’s going to happen to the dollar? Is there going to be a full collapse of the dollar, or is the dollar just going to be diminished? Will Joe Biden oversee the collapse of the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency? Around the world, most everything is dominated by U.S. dollars. From oil to gold and other major commodities, the world trades with the U.S. dollar. However, in 2020, the U.S. dollar lost 7% of its buying power.
Hard Asset Money Show -- What Is The Digital Dollar?
03/16/22 - Cryptocurrency. What is the digital dollar? Is Bitcoin and Ethereum here to stay? Our government is starting the transformation from a paper society to a cashless society. With that comes several problems, not the least which will infringe upon our privacy.
Hard Asset Money Show -- What's About To Happen To Gold?
02/24/22 - If gold is so undervalued, why isn't it going up in price? The current price of gold isn't consistent to the overall inflation guage. Many countries are adding gold to their sovereign wealth funds and their strategic holdings. This is perhaps in preparation of the collapse of currencies around the world.