1801 Colombia Gold 8 Escudos PCGS MS 63

$8,573.00 USD


The Colombia Gold 8 Escudos, graded as PCGS MS 63, is a coin of significant historical and numismatic importance. Minted during the Spanish colonial period, these coins were a cornerstone of Colombia's monetary system, reflecting the region's abundant gold resources and economic vitality. The 8 Escudos denomination, also known as a "Doubloon," played a crucial role in commerce and international trade, symbolizing Colombia's connection to the broader Spanish empire.

The obverse features a detailed portrait of the reigning Spanish monarch at the time of minting, surrounded by the inscription "CAROLUS IIII D G HISP ET IND R" (Charles IV by the Grace of God, King of Spain and the Indies). Also, that denotes the monarch's name and titles. This side of the coin demonstrates the high level of craftsmanship and artistic skill prevalent in Spanish colonial coinage, highlighting the authority and influence of Spanish rule in Colombia.

On the reverse, showcases the Spanish coat of arms, a detailed emblem representing the Kingdom of Spain. This includes the quartered shield with the castles and lions of Castile and León.

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