Hard Asset Money Show -- Inflation, Deflation, Stagflation & What's Going On In The Marketplace

Also in Podcast

Hard Asset Money Show -- Voice of Reason 04-09-24

In this episode, Christian Briggs is a guest speaker on Foundations of Freedom’s ‘Voice of Reason’ podcast. He speaks about the growing national debt, and how there is fear that the U.S. national debt is past the point of paying it back. Speaking with members of congress, he hears whispers that the fallout will be sooner than we think. Mortgage rates have been rising, bonds got crushed. All of the things that are supposed to make gold react in a fundamental manner that is consistent with history is not true today. In fact, gold has been on a continuous rise for the last six months.


Hard Asset Money Show -- Voice of Reason 04-08-24

04/15/24 In this episode, Christian Briggs, Mandy Gunasekara (former Chief of Staff of the United States EPA), and Tennessee congressman Mark Green are guest speakers on Foundations of Freedom’s ‘Voice of Reason’ podcast. They go into a page by page discussion of Hard Asset Management’s CBDC presentation. They differentiate centralized vs. decentralized digital currency, as well as go into a chronological progression of CBDC development.

Hard Asset Money Show -- Interview with Tennessee Congressman and Chairman on Homeland Security Committee Mark Green.

04/03/24 In this episode, Christian Briggs speaks with Tennessee Congressman and Chairman on Homeland Security Committee Mark Green. They talk about CBDC implementation and rollout in the United States. The discussion includes the difference between centralized verses decentralized cryptocurrencies, and how the US Federal Reserve is looking to implement a centralized CBDC in the United States. That means that the Federal government knows where every single penny goes and every single purchase that happens. Every transaction is tracked and known by the government, and that means zero privacy. That’s exactly what Elizabeth Warren and the hard progressives really want. They want to control what people spend their money on.